What is Educational Storytelling?

You’ve probably asked yourself this question at some point in your life. Perhaps when you were in school, sitting in a meeting, or completing online training for work.

It’s all too easy to switch off and disengage from learning that feels irrelevant or inaccessible to you.

Whether you’re conscious of it or not, the question you’re really asking is: “Why should I care?”

“Why are we

learning about this!?”

A bored student lying back with a book on their face

Video content can seem like an obvious solution to grab attention. Everyone nowadays loves watching videos, right?!

But this doesn’t remove that question of “why?”

  • How do you make information meaningful and relevant to your viewers?

  • How can you weave context and education together?

Since humans first gathered around a fire to share food and warmth, they also shared knowledge with one another… through stories.

A group of young people sat on a beach, gathered around a fire

Stories give information meaning

The Educational Storytelling method gives meaning to information.

It puts the audience first, and gives your viewers a reason to care.


  1. What is Educational Storytelling?

  2. Who is watching?

  3. Why are they watching?

  4. What are they watching?

  5. How are they learning?

  6. What’s your story?